5 Common Mistakes to Avoid After Electrolysis Hair Removal

So, you’re about to take the leap into the world of electrolysis permanent hair removal and can now say goodbye to unwanted hair for good. No more worrying about having to shave and wax, not to mention dealing with stubble, and ingrown hairs! 

Before you embark on your journey toward smooth, hair-free skin, there’s one crucial step we can’t overlook: electrolysis aftercare. Electrolysis is the gold standard of permanent hair removal, and is perfectly safe and effective when done by a certified practitioner. However, to avoid unnecessary risks and side effects of the treatment, it is important to take good care of your skin and follow the aftercare instructions provided by your electrologist. 

In this blog article, we will focus on electrolysis aftercare and discuss some of the most common mistakes to avoid after your electrolysis treatment. Let’s take a closer look.

1. Exposing your skin to the sun 

unnamed 1 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid After Electrolysis Hair Removal

After electrolysis treatment, it is essential to avoid direct sun exposure for at least 48 hours after treatment. This is because after treatment, the skin is slightly irritated, and follicles  temporarily remain open. This makes the skin more vulnerable to becoming damaged by the sun’s UV rays. In fact, exposing your skin to the sun shortly after your electrolysis treatment can cause excessive production of the pigment melanin, causing hyperpigmentation—a condition where some patches of skin are darker than others. If you plan to go out in the sun in the days following your electrolysis hair removal treatment, it is crucial to cover up the treated areas with clothing. Following treatment, it is also very important to wear sunscreen with a high SPF (minimum 30) to protect your skin and avoid hyperpigmentation.

2. Removing scabs

After electrolysis, you may notice some very tiny scabs forming on the skin. Scab formation is a normal and temporary part of the skin’s healing process after electrolysis treatment and will resolve on its own. This part of the healing process plays an important role in the skin protecting itself from infection and dehydration. This is why it is very important to avoid picking and removing scabs before they heal on their own—doing so not only increases the risk of skin infection, but can also cause permanent scarring. After your electrolysis treatment, sessions, you should allow the scabs to heal and fall off naturally, on their own.

3. Using skin care products with retinol

Retinol is a form of vitamin A that is commonly used in skincare products. While retinol has some benefits for skin health, it should not be used on the skin following electrolysis treatment, since it increases the skin’s sensitivity. If you use retinol-containing skincare products on a regular basis, it is important to ask your healthcare professional how long you should wait to use them after your electrolysis hair removal treatment. Most dermatologists advise waiting between several weeks to months and gradually re-introducing retinol into your skincare routine.

4. Exfoliating

Being gentle with your skin in the days following electrolysis treatment is key to the healing process. 

Note: exfoliation can remove scabs which is a definitely no no. So take care.

Electrolysis treatment creates micro-trauma as follicles are targeted with a probe as part of the permanent hair removal process. After electrolysis, the skin can be more sensitive and prone to irritation, as well as infection. While you may be tempted to carry on with your usual skincare routine after electrolysis sessions, it is necessary to let your skin heal first. Since exfoliation is a form of mechanical stress exerted on the skin, it can disrupt the healing process and damage the skin, increasing the risk of infection and potentially causing scarring.

Instead of using exfoliants and scrubs that can be harsh on your sensitive skin, you can opt for gentle cleansers recommended by your electrologist.

5. Going to the gym

After electrolysis hair removal treatment, please wait up to 48 hours to go to the gym or practice strenuous physical activity, consult with your electrologist as well. However, exercising after electrolysis is not a good idea, since physical activity involves sweating and creates skin friction against clothing, exacerbating skin sensitivity and irritation. The skin is more sensitive after electrolysis, and sweating can result in delayed healing and discomfort. What’s more, the gym environment often harbours pathogens and bacteria, putting you at increased risk of skin infection following electrolysis. Therefore, it is best to avoid physical exercise and the gym for at least 48 hours after your permanent hair removal. The same goes for going to a sauna or sitting in a bathtub or jacuzzi.


With electrolysis, your dream of having silky-smooth, hair-free skin can become your reality. However, to achieve the best hair removal results and promote proper healing, it’s necessary to avoid activities that may irritate or compromise the treated skin after treatment sessions. In this article, we have explained why it is necessary to follow the electrolysis aftercare instructions provided by your electrologist. If you have any skin concerns after your electrolysis treatment, you should consult your electrologist and dermatologist for further guidance.

If you are looking for a qualified and certified electrologist in Melbourne for your electrolysis treatment, check out AEM Electrolysis. We use the latest, state-of-the-art technology for hair removal to ensure the best results for our clients. It is our passion to help our clients feel confident and beautiful in their own skin.

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