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Electrolysis and Hair Removal FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you thinking about booking an electrolysis treatment in Melbourne? Here are AEM Electrolysis’s answers to some hair removal frequently asked questions (FAQs) that will help you learn more about what we do.

Got a question we haven’t addressed? Please get in touch with the AEM team and we can assist you with your enquiry today!

Brand Mark for Soleil

General Questions

Galvanic electrolysis is a permanent hair removal method that involves passing a tiny electrical current through a very fine probe into a hair follicle, where it creates a chemical reaction.

In turn, this reaction creates sodium hydroxide, which eliminates the stem cells responsible for hair growth and regeneration. As a result, electrolysis treatment ensures that unwanted hair is removed and does not grow back. 

Yes. Electrolysis hair removal is permanent because it effectively targets and eliminates each hair’s growth centre. Electrolysis treatment is the only proven method for permanent hair removal approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Furthermore, electrolysis treatment is highly effective and provides permanent results for all skin and hair colours and types. 

At Advanced Electrolysis Melbourne, we’re proud to be one of a few clinics in Australia that specialises in galvanic electrolysis. Our expertise in this area allows us to help our clients achieve the best possible hair removal results without any scarring. In addition, we have strict measures in place regarding hygiene practices and sterilisation so our clients are well set up for the hair-free skin they imagined. 

With that said, an important part of the skin’s healing process is aftercare. To ensure the best possible outcome and prevent scarring, it’s vital that clients practice good hygiene and follow our aftercare instructions carefully.

You’ll be given clear instructions on how to look after your skin post-treatment when you visit our clinic. If you have any questions or concerns about aftercare following electrolysis, we’re here for you! Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the clinic. For general information on aftercare, please click here.

No. Electrolysis hair removal involves the use of ultra-thin probes that are easily inserted into hair follicles. Since these probes are extremely thin and delicate, they do not puncture the skin the way a needle does. In the hands of the skilled electrologist, probe insertion is highly accurate, thereby minimising any potential discomfort during treatment.

There are many potential factors causing unwanted hair growth, including hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, as well as medical conditions that cause hormonal imbalances (such as conditions affecting the endocrine glands).

Hereditary factors and genetics can play an important role in determining hair density, texture and thickness.

In addition, some medications and factors such as stress, diet and age can also cause unwanted hair growth, as well as some temporary hair removal methods that can stimulate or accelerate hair growth.

There are several factors which directly influence how many treatments you may need in order to achieve the best hair removal results.

The total number of sessions needed to permanently remove unwanted hair from a specific area can vary between individuals and can also depend on hair density and the size of the area to be treated.

We provide a free initial assessment for clients to determine the extent of treatment required, as well as the number of treatment sessions necessary.

Contact us or Book your free consultation here.

The total treatment cost will depend on the size of the area to be treated, as well as hair density and the number of treatment sessions required.

We provide a free consultation to accurately assess the treatment area in question to give our clients an obligation-free estimate of the time and treatment costs needed to ensure optimal results. We will also create a customised treatment plan tailored to your unique requirements, which will include estimation of treatment cost and how many sessions.

Thermolysis uses heat energy to destroy the hair follicle, while galvanic electrolysis uses chemical energy to achieve this. Although thermolysis treatment is faster than galvanic electrolysis for removing individual hairs, its effectiveness is limited to for thin and shallow-rooted hairs, such as peach fuzz. In contrast, galvanic electrolysis is highly effective for permanent removal of all types of hair.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition causing the ovaries to produce abnormally high levels of  male hormones (androgens). It affects up to 1 in 10 women and is more common in certain ethnic communities. In addition to symptoms such as irregular periods and weight gain, PCOS also often results in unwanted or excess facial and body hair growth (hirsutism) on areas such as the face, chest and back.

You can learn more about PCOS and treatment of unwanted hair related to this condition here

Yes, electrolysis is an excellent and effective way to permanently remove unwanted hair for women diagnosed with PCOS. Importantly, galvanic electrolysis can also be used to permanently remove the vellus hair (peach fuzz) to prevent it from being converted to terminal hair (dark, coarse hair) by hormonal influences.

For more information on treating unwanted hair growth related to PCOS and the areas that can be treated, please visit our Treatments – PCOS page.

Yes, galvanic electrolysis is highly effective for permanently eliminating facial blonde hair, including vellus hair (peach fuzz).

At Advanced Electrolysis Melbourne, we’re permanent hair removal experts, and we have the skills and experience to achieve lasting solutions for all hair colours and types, including fine blonde facial hair.

Girl Straight Hair
AEM darker skin tone curly hair smiling
AEM smiling female. Her shoulder is facing camera

Electrolysis Treatment

Yes, although written consent from your doctor will be required stating that it is medically safe for the mole in question to be treated. 

Yes, electrolysis hair removal can be safely used to remove hair from skin with tattoos and will not affect the ink colours. In fact, galvanic electrolysis is the only hair removal method that removes hairs on tattoos without affecting the ink. 

If you are planning to get a tattoo, you can also use galvanic electrolysis to remove unwanted hair on the skin of the designated area before you get it tattooed.

Electrolysis treatment is effective for all hair and skin types and colours and can be used on all body and facial areas.

To learn more, please visit our Treatments page.

After you receive your free consultation and customised treatment plan, treatment sessions will usually be scheduled once a week or every other week as needed. An initial session of 30 minutes is recommended to gauge each client’s comfort level for treatment and to observe their post-treatment recovery. 

Yes. Young people aged between 14-17 years can get electrolysis treatment, provided they have parental consent and one parent present during all treatment sessions. The treatment can be initially discussed via a telephone consultation and then, should the teenager and their parent(s) wish to proceed with treatment, both will be invited for a free, no-obligation assessment at the Clinic.

Electrolysis is for anyone who has unwanted facial or body hair. Whether you identify as female, male, non-binary or transgender, electrolysis can help you get rid of hair you don’t want, for good. Electrolysis is also a permanent solution for excess hair growth from hormonal conditions such as PCOS or menopause.

At AEM we have helped many men to permanently remove unwanted hair, even when laser treatment has been unsuccessful. Electrolysis is permanent and effective all over the body, from head to toe. Whether it’s a smaller area such as the centre of the eyebrows, cheeks and cheekbones, to the whole neck, shoulders, back and buttocks, we can help. You can find out more on our Treatments – Male page.

Electrolysis is an excellent choice for transgender people, as it is a permanent solution for unwanted hair. Unlike laser treatment, which offers only temporary results (and can even stimulate unwanted hair growth), electrolysis can remove hair from the face and body for good, even in the most delicate areas.

Read more about electrolysis for transgender people here.

Yes, electrolysis is a great option to remove stubborn or fair hairs. We have worked for many years with clients who have had laser but still had blonde or grey hairs, or who found laser simply didn’t achieve the result they had hoped for.

Prior to electrolysis treatment, stop all hair removal methods on the area that will be treated at least three days before your appointment. Stay hydrated, avoid sun exposure and protect your skin with an SPF if you’re going to be outdoors. Read our full rundown so you can prep like a pro here.

Depending on the size of the area and the density of the hair, your electrologist will suggest whether 16 probes or 32 probes are more suitable for you. For example, to remove hairs on the chin, sides of the face or on the upper lip, 16 probes would be the best option.

If you want to remove all facial hairs or the bikini area, arms, or larger areas of the body, 32 probes would be required.

It is always best to book an initial consultation, which is free of charge. We’ll answer all of your questions about electrolysis and create a personalised treatment plan just for you, including an estimation of the number of sessions you’ll require and the cost. We’ll also provide detailed electrolysis aftercare advice for best results. If you wish, you can also book a 30 minute treatment following your consultation or at another time that works for you. During a 30 minute treatment, approximately 48 hairs will be removed.

Skincare after Electrolysis

It is normal to have some redness and swelling following treatment. These temporary reactions to treatment will usually disappear within hours after treatment.

You may also experience some temporary scabbing, depending on your skin type and conditions. This is perfectly normal and part of the healing process. After each treatment, it is important to avoid touching the skin around the treated area and to avoid picking or peeling any tiny scabs that may arise after treatment. 

Moreover, some clients may also experience minor bruising of the treated area, which is temporary and disappears quickly. If bruising occurs, you can use ‘Arnica’ products which can be purchased from your chemist to soothe the treated area and promote the skin’s healing response. 

At Advanced Electrolysis Melbourne, all of our clients are provided with clear aftercare instructions to ensure you keep the treated area clean and infection-free. For more information, please visit our Electrolysis Aftercare page.

A gentle cream cleanser is recommended to cleanse the skin after your treatment. It’s also important to avoid using soap or any facial cleanser containing potential irritants. We recommend using the Melfol Calm Balm which has been specially formulated to be applied on treated skin after electrolysis. This balm is available to purchase at our clinic and can be applied to the treated area twice a day, until the skin has fully recovered.

If you have sensitive skin, you can also apply cold packs and hydrating creams after your treatment. It’s important to avoid putting makeup on the treated skin for at least 48-72 hours post-electrolysis and to avoid spending extended periods of time in sun (NO sunbathing, outdoor exercise) while your skin is healing. 

Each client will be provided with detailed aftercare instructions upon visiting the clinic. 

Learn more in our Aftercare guide.

You should avoid any exercise or strong physical activity for at least 48 hours following your treatment.

When you return to exercise after this time, it’s essential that you practise good hygiene and be careful as your skin heals. This includes cleaning and washing the treated area after exercise with a gentle cleanser. Be careful not to rub off any scabs with your towel. It’s also a good idea to apply Melfol Calm Balm before and after exercise.

Learn more in our Aftercare guide.

It’s best to avoid applying makeup to the treated area for at least 48 hours following treatment. 

After this time, it’s important that you follow good hygiene practices at home to prevent infection. Be gentle with your skin, wash your hands and don’t forget to cleanse your face before and after applying your makeup. You can also apply Melfol Calm Balm before your makeup, if you wish.

Learn more in our Aftercare guide.

To protect your skin, it’s best to avoid direct sun exposure for up to 48-72 hours following your electrolysis treatment. 

It’s absolutely fine for you to move from A to B (like going to work, the supermarket, dropping kids off at school etc). But when it comes to spending extended periods of time in the sun while your skin is still healing, the answer is a strong NO! This means NO sunbathing, outdoor exercise or generally spending a long time in direct sunlight. 

After this time and once your skin has healed you may head out into the sunshine as normal, however as skin experts we must remind you that sunscreen is always a must!

Learn more in our Aftercare guide.

At Advanced Electrolysis Melbourne, we’re proud to be one of a few clinics in Australia that specialises in galvanic electrolysis. Our expertise in this area allows us to help our clients achieve the best possible hair removal results without any scarring. In addition, we have strict measures in place regarding hygiene practices and sterilisation so our clients are well set up for the hair-free skin they imagined. 

With that said, an important part of the skin’s healing process is aftercare. To ensure the best possible outcome and prevent scarring, it’s vital that clients practise good hygiene and follow our aftercare instructions carefully.

You’ll be given clear instructions on how to look after your skin post-treatment when you visit our clinic. If you have any questions or concerns about aftercare following electrolysis, we’re here for you! Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the clinic. For general information on aftercare, please click here.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about electrolysis aftercare.

You can also learn more about taking care of your skin following electrolysis treatment on our Electrolysis Aftercare page.

Every person heals differently and in their own time. It also depends on factors such as how long the treatment duration has been and which area is being treated. At your initial consultation, your electrologist will be able to give you a guide as to what to expect once they have developed your treatment plan and gone through it all with you.

It’s important to know that scabbing isn’t scarring, because they are not permanent. In fact, they are signs that your skin is healing. Do not pick at the scabs, please be patient and use Melfol Calm Balm.

Read more on our aftercare page.

Yes, they are scabs, they are only temporary and it is part of healing. You can read more information about skin healing here.

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The AEM Clinic

We use strict and rigorous hygiene standards, including thorough hand washing and using disposable gloves during treatment. We also take strict measures to avoid any potential cross-contamination, including sterilization of tools and using new, sterilised and pre-packaged probes for each treatment session.

Yes, your first consultation will be free of charge. We want to provide you with all the information you need to make the decision about whether you would like to receive electrolysis treatment. During your initial consultation, we will:

  • Explain how electrolysis treatment works 
  • Evaluate your skin and the area(s) you are concerned about
  • Create a customised treatment plan for you 
  • Provide you with an estimate of the number of treatment sessions needed and the cost

Some clients also choose to book a 30-minute treatment session with their consultation to experience how treatment feels and how their skin responds.

Are you ready to have your galvanic electrolysis treatment in Melbourne?

You can book appointment with us by phone on 0421 375 389, or by using our simple online booking system (no signing up required).

Advanced Electrolysis Melbourne is located at Level 1/ 51 Bridge Road, Richmond above XVI Collective. We’re just down the street from the Epworth hospital and not far from the corner where Bridge Road connects with Punt Road.
Our clinic is very well served by public transport. Here are your best travel options:

  • Train: We’re a 5-minute walk from the Richmond West train station or a 10-minute walk from the main Richmond train station.
  • Tram: A tram stop is located near our clinic on Bridge Road for tram numbers 48 and 75.
  • Car: There’s parking available along Bridge Road and surrounding streets (some of which may require a parking fee).

Mon – Thu: 9:30am – 8pm
Fri: 9:30am – 6:30pm
Sat: 9am – 5pm

A reminder SMS is being sent out 3 days in advance. Please contact us to reschedule or cancel your appointment with as much notice as you can. More information on our booking and cancellation policy is here.

AEM Treatments

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